Anxiety and the puppy blues

It has been almost 3 weeks since we got Poppy and last week, my anxiety levels were sky high. I had to put some time aside to think about why exactly I was so anxious. Poppy is almost fully potty trained, has few pee accidents at home, is relaxed and learning fast - she can already sit, leave it, go potty and now alerts us when we needs to do her business. She sleeps through the night and we expected to wake up to a pee puddle every morning - this has never happened. We gated a small area near our washer-dryer area and she sleeps there for the night, so she doesn't even have to be crated. No barking, whining whatsoever. She seems too good to be true. It turns out, I am anxious about being in an apartment setting and about sufficiently exercising her. She's only 4 months old, but has the energy of a horse. I don't know how I'd manage her if it were just me and if my DH wasn't around, especially in the evenings. I am anxious about managing the home, keeping it c...